Just an interesting “Goats in History” thing. The Norse God Thor had two enormous bucks that drew his chariot. According the The Elder Eddas of Saemund Sigfusson:
“Thor has a car drawn by two goats called Tanngniost (teeth bearer or “snarler”) and Tanngrisnir (teeth gnasher or grinder). From his driving about in this car he is called Auku-Thor (Charioteer-Thor). He likewise possesses three very precious things. The first is a mallet called Mjolnir, which both the Frost and Mountain Giants know to their cost when they see it hurled against them in the air; and no wonder, for it has split many a skull of their fathers and kindred. The second rare thing he possesses is called the belt of strength or prowess (Megingjardir). When he girds it about him his divine might is doubly augmented; the third, also very precious, being his iron gauntlets, which he is obliged to put on whenever he would lay hold of the handle of his mallet. There is no one so wise as to be able to relate all Thor’s marvellous exploits, yet I could tell thee so many myself that hours would be whiled away ere all that I know had be recounted”.
When Auku-Thor was about his adventures, he would ride all day and then, at the end of the day when he would make camp. He would be filled with hunger and, consequently, he would slaughter his goats and eat them. In the morning, he would resurrect the goats so that they could pull his car again. Apart from the killing, eating and resurrection … Thor was a very responsible goat owner.
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