Today, my wife, my youngest daughter, her friend and I all went along to the Brighton show today. This is another fixture in the show calendar of Tasmanian agricultural shows. Brighton is a fairly small show, but it is quite good.
The day was a lovely 20+ degrees (Celsius) with not a cloud in the sky. We arrived at 9am and the parking was easy.
I was very pleased that there were a couple of bullocks at the show. These immense animals used to be used throughout Australia to haul timber out of the bush. They caused less damage to the land, cost less to run and were much more environmentally friendly.
Bullocks have a nice temperament and are immensely strong.
Here’s an animal that not many people would expect to see at an agricultural show … the humble Australian emu.
The animal nursery was, once again, somewhere that my youngest daughter just HAD to go to. Most of the animals in the nursery were the property of the Jordan River School (Previously the Brighton Agricultural College). One of the blokes there had just finished his Veterinary training and decided to come along and help out.
One of the local horse studs brought some of their absolutely drop-dead gorgeous Friesians
The Friesian isn’t a massive horse, but they are very pretty. A friend of mine breeds Friesians, his horses are absolutely lovely.
Well, the main reason that I was at the Brighton Show was to watch the Dairy Goat judging.
The goats were lovely, and the goat breeders were, as always, friendly and very helpful.
We went and had a look in the poultry display and had a look at the animals that were in there. There were some great looking birds in there. My favourite birds there were the Australorps.
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