Sunday, 2 December 2012

Cichlid Photo-shoot

I couldn’t resist taking some photographs of our cichlids and put them here on my blog. There is still a bit of algae in the tank, but then the algae eaters haven’t had much impact yet. We gave the tank a good clean out yesterday.

Cichlid Pack

Here are a bunch of our cichlids Pseudotropheus (tropheops?) x 3, Aulonocara nyssae (in the middle).


A general community shot.

Dragons Blood Peacock

This is a Dragons Blood Peacock cichlid (Aulonocara sturtgarti). The scales on the face are an iridescent blue when it hits the light.


This one of the Pseudotropheus sp. that was in the first photograph.


“Speedy” is a Melanachromis auratus, there are two of them in the tank … they enjoy a frank exchange of views (both males).


Here is “Patch” is a Cyrtocara moorii and is a lovely friendly fish.

Red Jewels

These are our red jewel cichlids (Hemichromis bimaculatus), they were the first cichlids that we had in our 450l tank.

Storm and Tempest

Here are “Tempest” and “Storm” they are Aulonocara nyassae. We haven’t seen anything like Tempest on the Interweb. The body colour changes from orange to brown and olive green. Tempest’s face is the most amazing metallic blue.


Storm and Tempest are usually found together … they spend a lot of time together, reading, walks in the park, scrap-booking together … the usual things that couples do.


Above is “Tigger” he is a Metriaclima lombardoi (Kenyi) … when we bought him he was the most amazing blue colour, then he turned yellow, so we know he is a boy.

Tigger II

You can see in the picture above, Tigger also has some blue iridescence in his face.


These are Jack (above) and Duke (below) they are Nimbochromis venustus. There was another venustus in the tank (Rex), but it had a disease and the other fish attacked it. We put Rex in a casualty tank to try to help him recover … but he died.

We also have some clown loaches, a khuli loach, a pair of algae eaters and a pair of hypostamus plecostomus … I will get around to posting pictures of them at some other time.

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